The following article was published in the Kanata-Kourier Standard on October 29th, 2015. Read how the Kanata Psychology and Counselling Centre is doing its part to provide mental health services to the families in Ottawa West.
Accessing Mental Health Care: Kanata Psychology and Counselling Centre provides services to families in Ottawa West.
Recent statistics have indicated that one in five Canadians will experience a mental health problem in their lifetime. Historically, due to the effects of stigma surrounding mental illness, many have not sought out appropriate treatment. Over the last decade, significant efforts have been made to reduce stigma, and as a result, more people are seeking treatment for mental illness than ever before. However, a new problem has emerged – a lack of available resources to meet this growing demand. The “2015 Report Card on Children and Youth Mental Health”, produced by Children’s Mental Health Ontario, reported that up to 6000 children and adolescents in Ontario in 2015 will wait up to a full year for treatment for some form of mental health problem. That number will increase to 12,000 children by 2016. Research shows that seventy percent of mental health issues emerge by adolescence, yet when treated early, children and youth can learn to effectively manage their illness throughout the course of their lifetime. Adults face similar barriers to accessing services, and those who live outside of city centres often travel long distances to access the more readily available services in town.
Assessments for Schools and Reduced Fees
Since opening its doors in November of 2014, the Kanata Psychology and Counselling Centre has been providing the communities of West Ottawa with mental health assessments (psychoeducational and psychological) and evidence-based treatment services for children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families. Since September 2015, we have also been offering reduced fee services to individuals over age 15, in an effort to increase accessibility to services for those who do not have the financial resources to afford care.
Therapy for individuals, Couples and Families does work
The Kanata Psychology and Counselling Centre is committed to offering support for the whole family system. Dr. Rebecca Moore, the Centre director, notes, “Modern society places tremendous stress upon families. Today’s parents are charged with raising their children and caring for aging parents, while also maintaining their careers and their own health and well-being.” In the busyness of everyday life, couples may grow apart or find themselves caught cycles of miscommunication and repetitive conflict. Scott McCleery, an individual and couples therapist at the Kanata Psychology and Counselling Centre, provides “a safe, supportive, and structured setting where couples can express hidden fears and insecurities about their relationship. This process can deepen emotional bonds thus creating a more conscious, mature, and authentic relationship. It takes time and commitment, but therapy works and can bring unhappy couples back to a place of trust, understanding, and fulfillment.”
Children need a place to talk too
Children and adolescents experience many of the same mental health challenges that are seen in adults although their symptoms may present differently. It can be hard to know how best to support a child who is struggling. And, sometimes, despite our best efforts, children become victims and they too need to talk. Cristina Guevara, a therapist who works with children and adolescents says “Much like adults ‘talk out’ their distress, children naturally ‘play out’ or ‘act out’ theirs. Play Therapy allows children the opportunity to express and process their feelings, thoughts, worries, and problems, as well as to resolve psychosocial difficulties so that they can get on with the often difficult task of growing up.” Supporting parents in improving their child’s attachment security and self-regulation can also be an important part of therapy for children and adolescents.
Eldercare Services, a highly sought after service.
Described as the ‘sandwich generation’, many of us are caught between the often conflicting demands of caring for their children and their aging parents. Eldercare Services provides support to adult children of aging seniors. Mike McCleery, a registered social worker with 12 years experience at a large teaching hospital, has seen first-hand the struggles that individuals go through when forced to take care of their aging parents, while also juggling family and work responsibilities. He speaks to the unique challenges facing these individuals: “Coping with an aging parent’s mental and physical challenges can be overwhelming and can create significant feelings of stress, anxiety, and grief. My approach is to provide emotional support through this sometimes difficult process. I also provide practical knowledge about the health and service sectors so as to maximize caregivers’ ability to provide effective support to their aging parents.”
Call or Email us today to book your appointment.
The Kanata Psychology and Counselling Centre is working to serve the needs of individuals, children, teens, couples, and families in Ottawa West. We are conveniently located in the Kakulu Medical Building. Call today at (613) 435-2729, e-mail is at [email protected] or visit us at to see how we can best serve you. You can also find us on facebook at or follow us on twitter @kanatapsych.