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Kanata Psychology opens Kanata Learning Centre!

The Kanata Psychology and Counselling Centre is very pleased to announce the opening of the Kanata Learning Centre! The Learning Centre came into existence in response to the growing awareness of the lack of resources within the school systems and community to support children and youth with learning needs. It  will operate on the lower floor of the Kanata Psychology and Counselling Centre, which is located at 300 Terry Fox Drive, Suite 700.

Unlike other Learning Centres, the Kanata Learning Centre provides innovative and evidence-based programming that is tailored to children’s unique needs. It is overseen by our psychologist, Dr Rebecca Moore, C.Psych, who focuses a significant amount of her clinical practice on the assessment and diagnosis of learning difficulties and disabilities, ADHD, and other challenges that affect young learners.  The mandate of the Learning Centre is to create individualized programs for children based on their profiles of learning strengths and needs. Whether your child comes to us as a supplement to school, or during school hours, our goal is to work collaboratively with you, your child, and your child’s school, to help remove barriers to learning, and to increase your child’s motivation and self-confidence, and ultimately to reach their potential.  

The Centre offers specialized programming to target specific areas of remediation, such as reading, writing, and math. We also offer support in developing tools and accommodations for other learning challenges, such as fine motor skills and executive functioning challenges. We understand that parents are highly invested in their children’s well-being and success. As their children’s primary advocates, we also offer support, guidance, and advocacy services to parents navigating the school system.

One of our unique services is the ReadON(TM) reading progam for individuals aged 7 and older. ReadON is an evidence-based computer program for people with reading difficulties, consisting of 15 weeks of targeted cognitive training and reading instruction. ReadON is an unprecedented and engaging, process oriented program that uses fast moving graphics, differential sound and a multi-sensory approach to build phonemic awareness, graphemic knowledge and language structure. Our exclusive game-based platform keeps students engaged and motivated for the duration of the program.

 We are affiliated with the Kanata Psychology and Counselling Centre, which, among other services, provides psychoeducational assessments and school consultation services for families with children experiencing school-related challenges. We are open to the public, and look forward to the opportunity to help children and youth in our community to reach their potential.

If you are interested in learning more about how the Kanata Learning Centre can help your child, please contact us at (613) 435-2729, visit us at or e-mail us at [email protected]


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