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If you have any questions that are not answered below, please contact us or phone 613-435-2729.

While there is considered empirical evidence for the benefits of therapy in treating mental illness, it is not necessary for an individual to have a diagnosed mental health condition in order to benefit from therapy. In fact, therapy can be helpful in preventing the development of a mental health disorder such as an anxiety disorder or depression, by helping clients to developed improved coping skills, and to work through problems that are contributing to distress.

Therapy sessions typically last for 50 minutes, with 10 minutes left over for the therapist to complete paperwork. Research has shown that when initially starting therapy, weekly sessions are most beneficial in reducing distress and improving functioning. The length of therapy depends on a number of factors including the nature of the client’s difficulties, barriers to change, and life circumstances. Therapy may last for as little as 6-12 weeks, or for many months. Often a client may come for therapy to work on resolving a specific problem, and then decided to continue with their therapist in order to work on other issues or concerns.

Anyone can request an appointment for therapy and it is not necessary to have a doctor’s referral. However, some insurance policies require a physician’s referral in order to reimburse for treatment. It is important to check with your provider to determine whether your policy requires a referral.

There are three ways to book an initial appointment. You can call our office administrator Anita Perez McCleery at 613-435-2729, or you can send an email to [email protected]. You can also complete our webform at (insert link) in order to book your first appointment.

Therapy, by its nature involves a period of clinical assessment wherein the therapist and client work together to understand the nature of the problem. It typically occurs during the first few sessions. A formal psychological assessment is different from the assessment for therapy process in that the goal is typically to determine the presence of a mental disorder. This process typically involves a clinical interview as well as the completion of standardized measures of emotional, cognitive, and behavioural functioning. This process is typically more structured and time limited, than would be the case in therapy.

A psychoeducational assessment is typically recommended if a child or adolescent (or even adults) is experiencing difficulties with learning or functioning within the classroom or work setting. A psychoeducational assessment involves a comprehensive process that included an initial interview, the administration of measures of intellectual functioning, academic achievement, memory, visual-motor skills, and social, emotional, and behavioural functioning. The process typically involves 9-12 hours of time in session and can require weeks to months to complete. Parents are provided with a written reports with a diagnosis, if warranted, and recommendations, which they can share with teachers or their physician. Parents also receive a feedback session in which the results and recommendations are discussed, and parents have an opportunity to ask questions.

Psychological and counselling services are not covered through public health insurance such as OHIP. However, most private insurance providers offer coverage for psychological or counselling services. All policies are different and it is the client’s responsibility to contact their provider and determine their coverage (i.e., how much coverage they have per year; what kind of providers are covered by their insurance policy).

Payment is discussed with your therapist during your first session. Typically fees are payable at the end of each session. Your therapist will provide you with an invoice for insurance purposes. It is the client’s responsibility to contact their provider to be reimbursed for their fees.

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